As young girls we dream about what our husband will be like, what our wedding will be, what career we will choose, how our family will grow and love, in what ways we will make a difference, and the list goes on and on. Some girls stop dreaming for some reason, but others cling on like its their only hope for happiness, which sometimes is OKAY, but we need to start putting our hopes in what is real and being happy in the present, not constantly wishing for what "will make us happy" in the long run.
Most of the time, if we are daydreaming, we are hoping for something more, "something better"; but it is time that we focus on the now and find the joy and happiness, the "something better" in what we already have.
If you're a girl who is constantly day dreaming, ask yourself these questions....
1. How often do I daydream?
If you day dream more often than you "dabble" in the real world, it's time to reevaluate.
2. What am I daydreaming about?
Are they likely situations, you have a say in, or is it something that is never going to happen? Focus on the things that are more likely to happen, so you don't create false hope for yourself.
3. Why am I daydreaming?
For comfort? For an escape? For fun? For a "cover up?" Don't put all your eggs in one basket, live in the moment, everything in life has an upside. Search for the joy in everything, even when the world is covered in sadness.
4. Am I creating false hope?
One of the most mentally detrimental things you can do to your mentality is create false hope, and then crush it yourself. Save yourself some heartache by being aware of how your daydreaming, and make sure it doesn't build up your hope in the wrong way.
5. Is daydreaming affecting my everyday lifestyle?
Do you zone out, just because daydreaming is becoming a habit? Then, yes, it is affecting your everyday life. Make sure you are able to go through the day without looking for something that isn't there.
Day dreaming isn't bad, but it does have re-precautions when it begins to consume your life. I for one love to daydream, especially when I've had a bad day, it's a way for me to think of something else. This read isn't just for the reader, it's for me to. A way to remind myself that reality and life needs to come first, and that joy and happiness can be found even if your day has been filled with negativity and sadness.
Samantha Shannon said, "I'm often daydreaming, and it's because I've always liked of there being something more than the normal world." I think the same way, and love "getting out of the normal world," but let's not get too carried away now shall we?