In honor of the new release of the Neflix special "Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life" I thought I would celebrate by giving you guys quotes from the best and craziest moments of the show we so much love.
Lorelai the Coffee Junkie
Lorelai is me every morning, especially on Mondays. Or when I have an 8 AM. Or when I have to write a paper. Or when I have midterms/finals. Or when I have to pull on all-nighter. Or... You catch the drift.
Rory the Bookworm
As an English major myself, I absolutely understand the fascination for the ritual that book smelling is. Any book aficionado knows the magical feeling as we stand in awe in front of a stack of papers neatly put together.
Luke's Words of Wisdom
Who hasn't felt this way?! I apply this to my life daily as a general rule. In my best Luke Danes voice: "People will disappoint you".
Paris Geller's at Yale
“I am not cut out to deal with people. I was made to be in a lab or an operating room or a bunker somewhere with a well-behaved monkey by my side”
We all know that Paris can be a little... *cough cough* ... over the top at times, but she can express exactly how I feel sometimes.
Lorelai the Style Icon
A motto to live by.
Emily Gilmore's Burn
There is always someone that talks waaaaay too much. They can't hepl it, they love the sound of their voice. It's like you are not even there. Next time this happens, unleash your inner Emily.
Lane and Adulting
When Lane summed up perfectly what adulting is like.
Savage Paris
Every time someone asks you a dumb question your inner Paris comes out to play. The lack of filter is necessary with some people.Sookie's Emotional State
When you don't even know what's going on in your life anymore, so you trust other people to update you on your facial expressions.
Irreverent Jess
Jess being a smartass, a.k.a. himself.
Michel's Sarcasm
An example of how I handle overenthusiastic people.
Richard's Two Sides
Mr. Gilmore is known for being a very calm and collected man, but not everybody would think that when he was younger he was quite the reckless fella. His conservative self didn't kick in until after the marriage with Emily.
Kirk, One of Us
He knows what's up. The eternal dream. Wouldn't it be perfect?
A Broke Lane
When she got exactly what being in college feels like, especially after you move out of your parents's house.
Deep Logan
Who thought Logan was only all about parties and getting drunk was mistaken. The blonde Huntzberger shares the meaning of life with a scared Rory.
Mother & Daughter
Rory and Lorelai have the best relationship. The support they give one another is exactly what I strive to have in life.