A lot of the time in college, a person's major is obvious. Sometimes it's almost like it's written on their foreheads. In most TV shows the characters have a certain stereotype or label that they fit into. Which is true for the characters in the best TV show in the history of everything, Gilmore Girls.
Rory- Education, With A Concentration In English Literature
This one is obvious, because Rory loves to read. But she also loves to help people, so I think she would be a really good English literature teacher. Probably a high school teacher, so she can assign them Kafka and Tolstoy
Lorelai- Management/Hospitality
Lorelai has a general inviting spirit about her. She is so warm and kind. Plus, she is a total boss who has ran two kick-butt hotels.
Emily- Interior Design
Emily has such a good eye for interior design. Have you seen her house? And, do you remember Rory's freshmen dorm? Plus, she is obviously good at bossing people around, so she could build and run her own interior design company in no time.
Luke- Restaurant And Food Service Management
Luke loves making food, and is obviously good at it, based on how much business he gets.
Kirk- Undecided
Kirk is such a free spirit, and tries everything. Can you count the number of jobs he's had? Just like someone who wants to try everything before they pick a major.
Patty- Dance
I mean this is obvious. She was on BROADWAY, and she's choreographed every Stars Hollow event.
Babette- Communications
Babette is such a social butterfly and she's always up on the latest town gossip. She LOVES to talk to anyone and everyone, so she obviously represents the communications major. I can just imagine her as a small town news broadcaster, in her element.
Michel- Exercise Science With A Concentration In Personal Trainer
I think that Michel's bossy and sassy side would come across as assertive and maybe motivational. And we know he likes to stick to a particular diet, so he could easily pass that on.
Jess- Journalism
Jess obviously likes to write, and his adventurous and down for anything spirit is the perfect combination to hunt down and find a story.
Dean- Political Science, With A Concentration In Government
Even though I am Team Jess, ALL THE WAY, I guess Dean is a little charming. He is nice to basically everyone, and seems to be acute to the needs and wants of others. And he just has a way about him that screams leader.
Logan- Business/Sales
Logan knows how to run a business after watching his father. Also, who wouldn't buy something from him? He's so charming and handsome, swoon.