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The Message Of Gillette's #MeToo Ad Should Come From Parents, Not A Razor Company

Why we should be the ones teaching our kids!

The Message Of Gillette's #MeToo Ad Should Come From Parents, Not A Razor Company

As a parent, we always try to do right by our kids. We want them to grow up happy and succeed in life. We attempt to give them the tools to travel through this crazy world on their own. We do our best. But, what happens when advertisers try to steal our responsibilities away from us? What happens when social media and the news usurp our authority? This is what happens. One mom with an amazing platform tells it like it is.

My daughter is an amazing girl. She's smart and beautiful. It is my job to prepare her to be a woman. It is my job to show her what is right and wrong. It is my job to give her a path forward. This is hard enough as it is, but when a razor company thinks they can teach her for me, my blood begins to boil.

You may or may not know what I'm talking about, but for clarification, Gillette (the razor people) ran an ad entitled, "We Believe: The Best Men Can Be," rebranding their old slogan and joining the #MeToo movement. This ad attempts to explain typical male behaviors and even features kids with anger issues.

The company seems to want men to hold each other accountable and stop one another from succumbing to bullying, sexual harassment, sexist or aggressive behaviors. People have taken issue with the ad because they feel it makes all men look like abusers, that it shows men must 'shave' to be men, and more.

The issue is that we shouldn't need one another to be held accountable. We should be able to know that certain behaviors are not okay. Like using an ad to sell a product, but the ad has nothing to do with the product itself. We don't need a razor company telling us how to treat one another. Parents should teach their kids this. Then when they get older they won't have to wonder if they are doing the right thing, they'll know!

Our society is falling apart because of stuff like this and people don't seem to realize it. Movements in social media don't help people get better or do right, they cause conflict. Conflicts we don't need. How it is so difficult to just be respectful, show kindness, and have good morals?

If people were kind, honest, and hardworking, like my great-grandparents were, we'd be a better society. I'm not saying we need to go back in time, but we need to get back to the heart of it all. No one teaches kids respect or manners anymore. It's all about how many followers we have on Twitter or how many friends on Facebook.

We've lost our human connections because of ads like this one. I'm not saying we shouldn't talk about it ever. I'm saying it is my job as a parent to do so. Not Gillette's! I should be able to sit my kid down and explain why hitting is wrong or why grabbing someone's ass is not polite. I don't need a razor company to do it for me.

I'm not here to tell you to stop using Gillette products, although tons of people already are. I'm not going to tell you how to portray yourself in everyday life. My goal here is to say that advertisers have no right to speak to children about what they should and should not be doing. Gillette should just stick to selling razors and stop parenting our kids!

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