Can you believe that Christmas is already this week? With the unusually warm weather in the Northeast, finals, and stuff to get done at work before the holidays, it’s definitely not the ideal snowy, white, twinkly Christmas time that we hear in the songs and imagine in our heads. But nothing, and I mean nothing brings the warm, fulfilling, joyous Christmas spirit like giving to others. Sure, it’s great to see your brother’s face light up because he’s just opened his PS-4 game from you, but there are some gifts that money can’t touch, gifts that are worth way more.
While this may require you to reach in your pocket, you could be giving someone or something a whole new life. I know no one wants to see those sad Christmas commercials with the hungry children or abandoned animals, but these are real people and real animals that need our help out there. While it’s important to be appreciative of what we have, we must also pay mind to those who don’t have what we have. Think about how amazing it would be if everyone who had anything, even if it was little, made the holidays a joyful time for those who have nothing! If it’s calling that number on the tv screen, donating to local food drives, or giving some warm clothes away, it makes a big difference in others’ lives, and yours as well!
Whether it’s volunteering at a local soup kitchen, giving away cookies and hot chocolate at the nursing home, reaching out to foster families, or even doing a little caroling, you’ll be giving others the gift of your time, love, and care. Believe it or not, this goes a very long way.
Writing a letter.
This can be to a family member, friend, significant other, someone you haven’t seen in a while, or even a soldier overseas. Giving someone the gift of words from your heart is a beautiful thing.
Help someone out with a task.
Maybe your mom or dad has had something they’ve been trying to get done for a while, but hasn’t gotten around to it, or your neighbor needs help with their yard, or someone you know desperately needs a babysitter. Help them out.
A conversation.
You’d be surprised how far this can go. Although we may not realize it, there are people in our lives that we only associate with for academic, professional, or other reasons; we may not take the time to actually talk to these people. A few good examples are our teachers and professors, waitresses, cashiers, store attendees, bosses, coworkers, and many more. These are people who you may not associate with other than when you’re getting what you need from them. Whoever this person is to you, make sure you take some time to at least ask what they’re doing for the holidays, and that you hope they have an awesome break. No matter what you ask them about their holiday or even just telling them “Happy Holidays”, they will be happy you cared enough to ask. Have a conversation, give a compliment, talk to your teacher or coworker a bit before you get out of your last class or day of work, they want to go home to their families too and deserve to feel cared about just as much as you.
Your time.
You can do with this as you wish. Whether it’s putting your phone away and spending time with your family on Christmas, calling your grandparents, spending time with an old friend, or even planning a day with your significant other can mean so much. It’s easy to get caught up in what we need to do in our time and what we need to get from others, but it’s just as important to devote yourself to others as well. These people care about you and want time with you even if they don’t say it.
No matter how you’re celebrating the holidays, always remember that the best gift is giving! Happy Holidays to you all!