13 Gifts To Give To College Students | The Odyssey Online
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13 Gifts To Give To College Students

On a budget, but still want to get something they'll use?

13 Gifts To Give To College Students

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Struggling finding that perfect gift for a college student? Don't want to give money as it is too tacky? On a budget? Here are some ideas for gifts for college students from a college student perspective.

1. Adult Coloring Books

As we are always studying, partying, and stressing, coloring is the perfect way for us to unwind. It's a way for us to think we're procrastinating when we're actually relaxing our brain and body. Plus, it's a great way for us to keep ourselves awake during boring lectures.

2. Smelly Jelly Air Fresheners

Dorms smell, whether it's because we are too lazy to take out the trash on a daily basis or because people smoke too much weed in the building. Nonetheless, these help our room smell clean and fresh.

3. Face Masks

Who doesn't love face masks? They're a great way to relax at night while clearing out those greasy pores.

4. Bottle Opener 

Bottle openers are one of those things where we don't think we'll need one, but we will. We're right in that we'll barely use it, but when we do need it, it will be a life saver. Trying to open a beer or bottle of wine without a bottle opener is not fun. Trying to find someone with one is even worse.

5. Business Card Holder

Networking is everything for us, and those pesky little business cards help us do that. But, we're also very messy and forgetful; therefore, often throw out or lose the dozens of cards we get.

6. Yeti Mug

I don't think we could survive without a yeti mug. How else would we function? We need our coffee hot or else we're going to crash and burn fast. Real fast.

7. Tide Pods 

Tide pods are just so much easier to do laundry with than detergent, but they're also more expensive. See the dilemma?

8. Tide Sticks 

We're slobs. More often than not, our food, makeup, drinks, or some random substance ends up on our clothing. Our clothes would greatly appreciate some tide sticks.

9. Slippers

The last thing any college student wants is to put real shoes on when walking around their dorm building. Even in an apartment, they're great in that they keep our feet warm against wooden, laminate and tiled floors and keep that repulsive grime and bacteria out of our home.

10. Socks

For some odd reason, we're obsessed with them. We can't seem to get enough, and the weirder the better.

11. Portable Charger 

Constantly on the go and always on social media, our phones die quick. And, us college students CANNOT go even a minute without our phones. I mean the world would end if that happened.

12. Food Care Package 

We LOVE food. We're not being dramatic when we say the dining hall food sucks so we're honestly happy with anything.

13. Redbubble Gift Certificate 

Every college student loves stickers, whether it's because we want to cover our laptop with them or decorate our walls.

Good luck!

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