A month ago, a tragedy struck a small community in Memphis, TN. An 18-year-old boy was killed while driving, and this prompted a boy to do what many others would not. A 10 year old named Max gathered all his money and helped the grief-stricken family with expenses.The major factor in all this was, that he had no idea who the boy that died even was. This magnificently kind act showed how people, even those who do not know who is benefiting from the act of kindness, offer help in any way they can.
This story has heart-felt meaning behind it, showing how people still do things out of the kindness of their hearts, just because it is what is needed to be done. However, this is not the only time in the recent past that this has happened. There was a phenomenon that occurred in Florida last year, around Christmas time, that made headlines around the country. Torie Keene decided to reach into her wallet, not only for her own meal but for the person's behind her as well. This set off a chain reaction of 250 consecutive people paying for others and showing kindness to strangers. Unfortunately, the cycle ended at the 251st person, but not before accomplishing a pretty lofty feat.
These two instances of people coming forward and taking the initiative to be giving, shows that people still care about others. This could not be more necessary in such a day and age where everywhere we look we find instances of violence, greed, and unrest. These acts show that even so, there may still be hope in a time where there appears to be little, wherever we look.