What more do frat boys love than alcohol, partying, and just acting stupid? Here are some gifts that help fulfill all of those needs for the frat boy in your life!
1. Beer holster belt
Whats better than one beer? Six beers! This fashionable camouflage accessory can be used for tailgates, beach days, formals and everything in between.
2. Phone juul holderÂ
You know those cardholders everyone sticks on the back of their phones? Well, now a Juul holder for your phone is on the market! This will save your favorite frat boy from ever again losing his Juul!
3. Animal house posterÂ
This Animal House poster is a classic staple for any frat boy. This poster will compliment any frat house decor or lack thereof.
4. The American Fraternity book
Does the frat boy in your life need a good read for Thanksgiving or winter break? Look no further, this will certainly keep his attention and give him a history lesson on American fraternity heritage and tradition.
5. Beer pong socksÂ
These snazzy socks featuring beer pong will be loved by any frat boy. As for the way to any frat boy's heart may, in fact, be beer pong.
6. Condom case
This condom carrying case will not only protect condoms from damage but also make frat boys more inclined to practice safe sex, which is a win-win situation!
7. Frat house candle
Ahhh yes, who does not like the smell of stale beer in a dark, musty frat house basement? Frat boys can make their apartment or bedroom back home smell like their favorite place with the help of this candle.
8. "Frat" sticker
Frat boys always need to make sure everyone around them knows just how "fratty" they are. This versatile stick can go on a laptop, car, water bottle, or practically anywhere their little hearts desire.
9. Natty Light T-shirtÂ
Even I will admit that this shirt is pretty cool. The frat boy in your life will wear this shirt at every possible moment, it is just that cool!
10. Natty Light fanny packÂ
This fanny pack can absolutely be rocked by any frat boy. The built-in koozie adds a nice touch.
11. Bud Light Neon Beer SignÂ
A neon beer sign will be the perfect addition to any frat boy's bedroom.
12. Beer Opener
Although most frat boys' go to beers come in cans, this bottle opener will be useful for those special occasions when they buy nicer bottled beers.
13. Frat-House Dr. Sign
Forget stealing random street signs, with this gift frat boys no longer have to do so.
14. Beer LightsÂ
Lights are an essential for any party and these will surely light up even the lamest parties.
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