We all have that one friend who "loves philosophy" and "totally knows what they are going to do with that major."
Sometimes they seem like a typical bookworm, but try to ask them what they're working on and suddenly you wonder if words actually have meanings or if the color you call "blue" looks the same to your friend.
Anyway, you are probably too busy with that thought experiment to wonder what they want for Christmas, Hanukkah, graduation or whatever, so here are a few ideas!
1. A Freudian sip
Here's a cheap option, like your friend Sigmund's joke.
2. Something a bit more special
Who wouldn't want a bust of Aristotle, aka homeboy, at their desk?
3. For the existentialist
They likely would want to find peace with the inevitability of death, and this book highlights the joy of perpetual suffering!
4. Actually, this Sisyphus watch is perfect!
Because our suffering is never-ending!
5. For those who want to bring their favorite philosopher back to life
With these finger puppets (which also double as magnets), they'll finally get the opportunity to bring Nietzsche, Kant, Descartes and other crowd favorites together for a lively discussion.
6. For the one you worry about
I'll just leave this here.
7. For the one who enjoys inside jokes
This shirt would be fun for everyone, but philosophers will understand the Wittgenstein reference and enjoy it even more.
8. And finally, for the true philosopher
Only a committed lover of wisdom would want a statue of Athena in their living room.
Hope this collection of gifts cognitively stimulates you into showing that special philosopher in your life that you really care about them this season!
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