To the girl trying to get fit: You got this! I know it's tough and some days you barely want to get out of bed but you just need to keep pushing through. Here are some of the best motivation gifts to treat yourself to:
1. A fitness planner.
Find here on etsy
2. This super cute water bottle.
Find it here
3. This beautiful keychain.
Find it here
4. This play on words tank top.
Find it here on etsy
5. This classy bracelet.
Find it here
6. This cute workout outfit.
On etsy here
7. These weight loss charms to keep track of your progress.
On etsy here
8. This weight loss chalkboard.
Find it here
9. These weight loss jars.
Find the jars here
10. A water bottle for the "Harry Potter" fans.
Find it here
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