10 Gifts Every Millennial Girl Would Love To See Under The Tree This Year | The Odyssey Online
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10 Gifts Every Millennial Girl Would Love To See Under The Tree This Year

Affordable and universal presents just waiting to be purchased.

10 Gifts Every Millennial Girl Would Love To See Under The Tree This Year

As fun as the season can be, the holidays can be an extremely stressful time as well. Finding the perfect gifts, especially for a girl, can be a little difficult when there are so many options to choose from.

You could go to extremes and look up wish lists and watch Youtube videos for ideas, but sometimes those items can be too specific and even risky. The holidays and gifts can be quite tricky in this way...so here are some universal presents that every girl would be grateful to have under their tree.

1. Makeup

Currently, millennials spend the most money on makeup products. There's never a wrong time to take a quick trip to Sephora or experiment with a new look. Most girls are obsessed with makeup or at least have an interest in using it.

2. Giftcards

3. Money

Who doesn't love money? They can buy anything they want and you're instantly their favorite person to walk the planet.

4. Fuzzy Socks

Fuzzy socks are an essential for the winter...especially if the person you are purchasing the gift for lives in a cold climate. If you want to get festive, you could purchase holiday socks that are also fuzzy.

5. Polaroid Camera

Polaroid cameras have been making a comeback for years now, but they are currently even more popular than they were last year. This product gives people who usually rely on their phones to take pictures, a physical copy of their memories.

6. Room Decor

Whether you are shopping for her dorm room or bedroom, you can never go wrong with some room decor that matches the theme of her room. It can be a framed picture, halogen lamp or even a painting. Urban Outfitters has some relevant room decor for millennials and occasionally has sales for those products as well.

7. Bath & Body Works Products

This is a gift that almost everyone enjoys...depending on the scent. Whether you're using these products frequently or every once in awhile, they definitely come in handy for every girl.

8. Swell Water Bottle

If the girl you are buying this gift for is interested in saving the environment, this is the perfect purchase. Swell and other reusable water bottles reduce the amount of plastic water bottles on the planet. They also keep your beverages hot or cold depending on their intended temperature.

9. Tickets

Although this is the most risky gift on the list, you could truly complete someone's year if you know what they like. Tickets in this respect can mean anything from a Broadway show to a concert within the next six months. Many dedicated fans would be ecstatic to receive tickets as a gift.

10. Electronics

The possibilities are endless for electronics, but one thing is for sure. Almost everyone loves them. Music fans may enjoy Beats headphones while fitness lovers could possibly want a Fitbit instead.

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