As I was chatting with my mom, she asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year.
I sat there, confused, that I for some reason could not come up with anything that I wanted. Then I realized, the one thing that I truly wanted could not be wrapped in a box under the Christmas tree. For it requires a change within me- to become confident with who I am, and realize all that I have been blessed with.
My mom was not used to my hesitation in answering her, for in the past I could easily have come up with a page full of the material goods that I wanted, in order to try and keep up with the latest fashion trends.
Yes, I could ask for a new Patagonia jacket, new Nike shoes or another pair of leggings from LuLu Lemon, but those things aren't important to me this year.
For I now realize that in the past, I was convinced that if I had the newest version of something, that I would be happy in life... but I was wrong. The happiness that came from those things was only temporary, and it quickly faded as newer versions came out. I found myself always wanting those instead, forgetting about what I already had received.
So, mom and dad, when I tell you that it doesn't matter what I get for Christmas this year, I truly mean it. To me, the greatest gifts are family and friends and the love and happiness that they provide me with.