There are over 121,000 people in the US who are currently on the waiting list for an organ transplant. Seventy-nine people a day receive organ transplants. One donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation.
So why is it so hard for some people to decide if they want to become an organ donor? It's simple, you ask for it to be put on your driver's license. You aren't going to need your organs in the spiritual world, so bite the bullet and become an organ donor. Just do it.
May 8, 2000, Mothers Day
The waiting room was full of people. People, family, a mom. A mom who couldn't sleep because her child was in surgery. An eight-hour surgery. A surgery to receive the gift of life. There was one kind, smart and skilled doctor. He does these surgeries almost every day. He helps save lives, but he couldn't do it without a donor. The donation was a liver. A liver to be received by a five-year-old girl with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin.
July 12, 2004
The little girl is now nine. Her rejection medication isn't working. She has made it four years. She has beat the odds but is starting to succumb to the now unhealthy liver. her body is giving up but just one more surgery. Another liver. This time, new medication will be taken. This time it will work.
So why wouldn't you want to save someone's life? You're not going to need your organs when you die, so share with someone who will need it. Remember the saying "Sharing is caring."
If your reason is that," doctors may recognize I'm an organ donor and they won't save my life..."
Every doctor's goal is to ensure full recovery of their patients. Think about it, it would be so hard to tell someone's family that you hardly knew, that under your care their family member died. A doctor wants you to live.
I actually do not know who my donor is. This is my personal choice. I have never really dealt with the death of someone close to me, so I would not know how to approach my donors family. Of course, I would say thank you. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for being the reason that I can live a normal, healthy life. Thank you for the years I get to live. I get to graduate college, be a big sister, a daughter and so much more just because someone decided to get the words "organ donor" put on their license. I just don't see how someone could be so ignorant as to think they are above organ donation. I'm an organ donor. Most religions aren't against organ donation. Families aren't reprimanded for their family members donations. If you become an organ donor then you could save up to eight people's lives. Why not just do it? become an organ donor.