No, you don’t need to get them all. However, if you’re struggling to find what to get your loved one for Christmas, look no further. I’ve compiled a list of items to possibly get them.
1. Fuzzy socks.
Everyone loves fuzzy socks, especially if they’re Christmas themed.
2. Christmas pajamas.
You can either buy just one, or you can get a matching set. Your friends will think you’re ridiculous, but your loved one will love you even more.
3. Fluffy blankets.
Yo, if they don’t like fluffy blankets, you should probably break up with them now. Kidding. I’m kidding. But seriously, fluffy blankets are a gift from up above. Especially in the cold weather.
4. A framed picture of you guys.
Honestly, this is probably the cutest thing you could get them. They can put it somewhere in their room and smile at it every time they see it. It’s a reminder of how much you care.
5. Candy.
It’s Christmas, my dudes. Candy is a must.
6. Perfume/cologne.
It’s the perfect gift for your significant other who is always using the same smell. They’re probably waiting for the bottle to run empty before buying another one, but if you buy them one, they’ll probably be thankful. It’s time to spice it up a bit.
7. A hand-written note telling them how you feel.
It’s always a good thing to be reminded how much someone cares. Sure, you can do it through text, but that’s not as personal. Make ‘em cry.
8. A gift-card to their favorite restaurant.
Food is everything.
9. Buy tickets to an event you both can attend.
There’s nothing more important than making memories.
10. Clothes.
It can be anything. Ranging from shirts to underwear, get them something that they need or know they want.
11. An ornament with a picture of you guys in it.
Maybe it’s your first Christmas together. Maybe it’s your fifth. Whatever the case, this is a great way to remember how much you love each other.
12. Hershey kisses.
Even though I already said candy, this is different. For every Hershey kiss you give them, they have to give you a real one. You’re welcome.
13. That something they always talk about.
Buy them something they’re interested in. They talk nonstop about something, so what is it? I’m sure they’ve been dropping some hints.
14. Love.
Just tell them that you care. Materialistic things aren’t the best gifts in the world. Letting them know how much you appreciate them is something they always want to hear.
So there you have it. A list of wonderful gift ideas for Christmas for your significant other. It honestly doesn’t even matter what you get them, as long as what you get them is from the heart. They’ll love whatever you decide to buy. Merry Christmas all. :)