6 Gift Ideas For All The Amazing Women In Your Life | The Odyssey Online
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6 Gift Ideas for All the Amazing Women in Your Life

Your mom is probably getting tired of "1 Free Hug" Coupons...

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Since the first Christmas I can remember, my dad has been asking my sisters and me to help him shop for my mom. After years of helping him cope with this annual panic, I've gained some experience in finding the perfect gift for women. Not to mention, shopping for two sisters who are polar opposites. So, if you need ideas in terms of gifts for your sister, mom, grandma, girlfriend, wife, or any other women in your life, then you came to the right place!

Hair Scarves.

Bayside Bow-Tied Hair Tie Set


These on-trend hair accessories are easy to use and perfect for the younger women in your life! This is an affordable, easy gift to pair with some fuzzy socks and a gift card!

Agate Coasters.

Agate Slices for Crafting - Agate Coaster - Pink Colored Agate Coasters Craft Supply Art Framing Mosaics (HW5)


Agate coasters are a unique, staple item that will last for years to come. They're eye-catching and much more exciting to receive than a gift certificate or a candle- and they're available in a variety of colors! These coasters are a simple and classy gift for your mom, sister or best friend!

High-end Jewelry.

Elsa Peretti®:Diamonds by the Yard® Pendant


I've yet to meet a woman who doesn't want to receive diamonds for Christmas. High-end, authentic jewelry tells a woman that you care about her deeply and are willing to spend quite a bit on her. Simple, dainty pieces are flattering and fitting for every occasion- and you can't go wrong with Tiffany's!




If you don't know what to get your sister, new girlfriend, or grandma... get her a corkcicle! Corkcicle carries a wide variety of cups, including wine glasses! They're stainless steel, triple-insulated and best of all: affordable! Find one in her favorite color, toss it in a gift bag, and you're set!

Bath Robe.

I strongly recommend against buying women clothes, unless you've received specific requests and sizes. But, every girl will appreciate a fluffy robe, especially this faux fur one from Pottery Barn. Women of all ages can use a comfy robe, and sizing is much more flexible than with regular clothing!

Birch Beauty Box.


A Birch Box is a box filled with miscellaneous items based on your interests entered in a short survey. The boxes can contain anything from makeup, hair, or skin products. Gifting a one-month, three-month or ten-month subscription allows the receiver to try out new beauty products at a discounted price than if sold separately. This is perfect for any woman in your life- especially those who may not even know what they want for Christmas. Best of all- they're already wrapped and decorated nicely!

Hopefully, these suggestions lend you some guidance or inspiration in buying all the women in your life something special this holiday season!

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