Some things just can't be gifted, but we wish they could be.
1. Sleep.
2. Never ending energy.
Assist me in having enough energy to do enough work all night without having to stay up all night or drink outlandish amounts of caffeine.
3. No 8 am classes.
Give the gift of classes after 10 am.
4. Stress-free semesters.
Make the semester be easy and breezy, please.
5. Food without having to leave bed.
If all of my meals could be brought to my dorm room for me that would be amazing.
6. Muscles that don't ache.
Sore necks, achy backs, and cramped fingers be gone!
7. Less headaches.
Nothing screws up a students day like a headache.
8. Short commutes.
To and from school and everywhere else we go.
9. Time.
Time is a virtue.
10. An appropriate wardrobe.
An outfit for every occasion, meeting, party and class would be lovely. My sweat pants are starting to hate me.
11. More time home.
The semesters are so long with not enough breaks to go home and see family and friends.