Everyone knows that college students appreciate any and all gifts that come their way.
However, they can be hard to shop for. What do you get for an adult who is still kind of financially dependent on their parents and doesn't really have their own place yet? Well, I have a suggestion for you: gift cards. Gift cards are the holy grail of Christmas gifts.
You're basically just getting them whatever they want, which, after all, means that you've gotten the perfect gift. If you need some advice on which gift cards to give them, I suggest you do one of these.
1. Amazon
They can get literally anything they need from Amazon... all without having to leave the dorm!
5. A nicer restaurant
Even if you can't pay for their whole meal, your gift card could make it affordable for them to even go to a nicer restaurant
6. A coffee shop
If you want to be extra thoughtful, you could google the best local coffee shops near their campus, but you could also just do Starbucks.
7. Barnes and Noble
While Barnes and Noble might not be everyone's first choice, your studious, book-loving college student probably loves going there. Plus, they have lots of fun things that aren't books.
9. Michael's
For those stressful moments you need to unwind, crafts are perfect. But, craft supplies can be expensive, so give them this to help them out.
10. Panera Bread
It's a little nicer than fast food, but still pretty affordable. So you just know every college student loves it.
11. Subway
College students rarely eat healthy food, but when they do, it's probably at Subway.
14. A department store
Maybe they need some new clothes for something, but most of the college students I know are more likely to spend their money on food unless they absolutely have to have some new clothing item. You can help them out with that.
15. Movie theater
Movies are fun, but so expensive! Gift cards to the movies are a great way to give your college student something fun.
16. Chipotle
Nearly every person I know likes eating at Chipotle. And for a lot of people, there's so much food in one thing that they can eat out of it twice and have a decent meal both times.