It's the first year living on your own and you're spending all of your money on basic needs you didn't think too much about before. Simple things become more valuable since you're spending money on them every day. You won't want outrageous gifts this year, trust me. Those are long gone. Here are five practical gift cards to add to your Christmas list as a freshman living on their own:
1. Uber
You will spend quite a few bucks on rides if you haven't already. Unexpected rain and no umbrella, late nights, or just when you're not feeling a long walk. Save yourself some money and get some free rides.
2. Starbucks/Dunkin'
This was almost a daily cost for me...seriously, they're all around campus and sometimes you just get sick of your meal plan cafe. These morning wake-up calls and afternoon pick-me-ups add up quickly. It's a know you'll use it. Add 'em to your list!
3. Grocery
Probably your biggest expense as a freshman living on campus. You will need things the university doesn't have, and you'll, unfortunately, be spending a majority of your paychecks on it.
4. GrubHub
Okay...arguably the most essential for dorm life. You will either exhaust or get completely sick of university food and order takeout, regrettably, all the time. I tried to limit myself to once a week...but if I'm including it in this list we all know how that went.
5. Good Ole' Cash
The reason I listed gift cards is because it forces you to spend money on daily things that sometimes, you just need instead of cash that you'll be tempted to spend on unnecessary things. deserve to treat yourself once in a while (or pay your bills, that's good too).