I've always loved kids. I've been babysitting since I was old enough to get certified but even before that when I had to go to childcare, I was that one kid "helping" the teachers with the younger kids. It's no surprise then that I ended up working in a preschool as soon as they'd hire me. After working with kids every day for two years I can honestly say that it's the best decision I've ever made. Here's why:
1. They're brutally honest.
"Miss Maria, you should comb your hair more often" is an actual thing a child has said to me.
2. They ask the strangest questions.
"What happens if you eat blood?"
3. They also ask the deepest questions.
"Does it hurt the tree when we pull its leaves?"
4. They're trying to figure this whole thing out.
Preschooler: "Miss Maria, why do you have hairs on your eyes?"
Me: "Those are eyelashes, you have them too."
5. They're crazy smart.
Have you seen a 3-year-old unlock an iPhone and open a video? It's crazy.
6. They're unpredictable.
As soon as you think you've got a kid figured out, they do something unexpected.
7. They keep you young.
Why yes, I would like to color and play Duck-Duck-Goose with you and forget about midterms and gas prices, thank you very much.
8. They restore your faith in humanity.
No matter what's happening in the rest of the world, everyone's your friend on the playground.
9. They remind you of things you know but have forgotten.
If you forget to push in your chair, a kid will let you know. If you touch them without asking permission first, they'll remind you that that's not okay. Everyone could stand to take lessons from four-year-olds once in a while.
10. They teach you to enjoy the little things.
Kids are amused by the most mundane things; from clicking noises to the remote control. They teach us how to enjoy simple pleasures and worry less.
11. They love unconditionally.
For most little kids, the world is a happy, safe place where they are loved and cared for. They haven't experienced how scary the real world is. They don't care about the election. They don't pay taxes. They haven't been heartbroken and betrayed yet. They are surrounded by people that love them unconditionally and they offer nothing but unconditional love in return.