That time of year has come again; preparing for classes to start soon. For some students just the thought of classes starting alone can make them feel sick. For others, it brings them great joy and excitement. Just knowing that I'll soon have all new notebooks and folders to use makes me scream like a little girl.
Here is a list of 11 gifs that accurately describe back to school shopping.
1. Seeing the first back to school advertisement awakens something inside of you.
You've literally been waiting all summer for this very moment.
2. Looking at the sad remains from the semester before.
"How did I survive at all last semester? There are literally two pieces of paper in this notebook and this pen is broken."
3. Making a list of all of the possible supplies you might need.
"I might need some sticky notes. Perhaps I need some more highlighters."
4. Trying to remember the classes that you signed up for.
"Not sure what I signed up for so I guess I'll get something for every class."
5. Checking the advertisements for the best sale.
Even though you know that you'll just end up at Target
6. Looking at your bank account to see how much money you can realistically spend on school supplies.
"Definitely thought I made more than that this summer. Target it is then."
7. Seeing the back to school supply section in the horizon.
"It's just all so beautiful."
8. Playing with all of the new supplies on display this year.
"Look at this cool new sharpener! A neon colored stapler!"
9. Convincing yourself that you don't need that many things.
"I don't need another three-subject notebook...even though this one is sparkly."
10. Glancing down at your overflowing cart and rethinking your decisions.
"I'm really never going to use this folder but I never know when I might need it for something."
11. Thinking you're almost done but then you see the wall of backpacks.
"What else am I going to store all of my new goodies in? I could probably use a new one."