College As Told By 'The Good Place'
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College As Told By 'The Good Place'

Gifs and college experiences--they're meant to be united and "The Good Place" is the best source.

College As Told By 'The Good Place'

We all know that gifs are gifts from God to express our human emotions and mutual experiences. "The Good Place" is a bountiful harvest. Amen.

NBC's "The Good Place" stars Kristen Bell (major Anna from Frozen make-over!), William Jackson Parker (his parent couldn't decide on one name), Ted Danson (who is a better looking Karl Lagersfeld without the sunglasses), Manny Jacinto and Jameela Jamil. And we cannot leave out the teleporting informative robot, Janet (D'Arcy Carden) who makes life funnier. The plethora of amusing characters and situations (for example, they can't swear) are always relatable and gif-worthy. Whether it's Jason's long winded semi-pointless stories, Michael's obsession with "Friends", Tahani's elegance, Chidi's intelligence and moral dilemmas, or the main gal Eleanor's perspective on life, "The Good Place" is for everyone to laugh a lot and relax. Especially if you are in college.

[Warning: the following gifs may contain SPOILERS!!!]

1. Freshman year vs. Senior year

Ah the ideal of youth combined with eternal optimism that is packaged with the tag: freshmen. Seniors are not all bitter, but we've been through the wringer a few times.

2. When you remember that major paper you were supposed to write

I have literally written a major paper the night it was due on the different parenting styles in "Finding Dory", y'all. I got an emotional response from the teacher and an A. The truth is sometimes professors can't smell the BS no matter how much they think they can.

3. Students at the grocery store

Who needs healthy food when the store makes a can of frosting so cheap?

4. When you did better than expected on your test

SO much unexpected relief! Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Or just apathy works too.

5. When you see the dining hall food

Undercooked chicken sandwiches three days in a row, guys? Really?!

6. When you have found your fam

I'm talking about the homies that you know have and will stick with you through everything. Friends chosen in college will remain with you through life.

7. When someone tries to talk to you before you have had your morning coffee

Monsters. Morning people can't hear themselves but it tortures us souls who need caffeine in our blood before conversation.

8. When you actually go to that early-as-frick class

Who are these people that show up regularly? Magical unicorns. How do they do it? And you have no idea what topic the professor is lecturing on and you might need to steal a lot of notes from some over-achiever.

9. When someone won't stop talking about their food, their summer, themselves

Even the devil on this show can't stand it. Like, how does your humanitarian aid mission relate to me eating my carb-loaded pasta? No?

10. When Chidi was all students during finals and midterms

We feel ya, Cheedster. We might faint, puke, cry, watch "Friends" and eat junk food in order to survive finals. But, why not just study? No, that's not beneficial to our health, whaaat?

11. When the class goes beyond your attention span

I only dozed off for two minutes! Why are we now talking about how linguistics affects nuclear physics?Someone help.

12. When the professor starts using his big, doctorate words

We get it, prof. You is smart, you is kind, you is losing half the class because of your pompous vocabulary. Seriously, if the teachers want their students to do well, make it simple!

13. When you get stuck with that kid in a group project

You hate these eternally studious and optimistic fellow students. You also secretly think the professor assigned you together to get back at you for sleeping in their class. Why beat a dead horse--these students won't stop perfecting their project and it drives you mad.

14. When you've spent a night or weekend making poor decisions

If only it were that easy to erase and forget. Then we'd forget our lessons learned and make the same fun mistakes all over. Top of my wishlist if I could have superpowers.

But in the end, we are all tired, broke, hungry college students trying to avoid quarter life crises and feeling our way out into the world. In Eleanor's words:

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