Oh my gosh, It's finals week. Someone save me. Actually here's a better idea, save yourself. I know this week is basically a living nightmare for many so I'm here to give you the pick me up you need. First off, the semester is basically over. Soon you'll be home with your family and it will be great. Secondly, grades are important but they do not define you. So to help with this very stressful week, I decided to devote this article to gifs that make me happy. I hope they help you guys as much as they help me.
Here's some solid advice for when you really start getting stressed out. Christina Yang knows all.
The Jonas Brothers believe in you. Side note, I still love them so much.
Remember these wise words for the queen herself if you don't do so hot on one of your finals.
Walk into all of your finals with the determined attitude that this little guy has.
Soon you'll be sliding into Christmas break like this cutie.
Then you'll be having as much fun as this happy goat.
Just hang in there and show finals who the boss really is.
You got this! Good luck to everyone and..