Lets just say its been a tough semester. Here are some Gifs I think help explain my semester and maybe you can relate.
When your professor says okay time for our group project! Though you may have friends in the class, you still dread that group project, especially when it’s the final project!
When all your classes have tests on the same week. The same week you work over 30 hours.
When your professor tries to talk past class time and you're just trying to get home to get a nap before the next class.
FOMO? What’s that? JUST KIDDING we know all about that. You may want to go out with your friends but nope, you have a 8am class and you know he takes attendance at 8am sharp.
Finally seeing your test grade after the professor took 3 weeks to put it up.
Your friend asks you when is the last time you slept and you can't remember.
When you realize you haven’t checked Blackboard since last week and you missed half your assignments.
Its holiday time and its time to go home (FINALLY) but then you realize you look like this and your family may be a bit concerned.
Then when you're actually home and your family asks how your semester was.
When you realize its almost over and soon you'll graduate.