There's honestly nothing worse than people ghosting you. In this generation, there seems to be this mass problem of lack of communication. People don't want to be straight up with people anymore. Instead, they just don't answer text messages or answer dryly until someone just gives up. Trust me, I get it, it's super frustrating. You never know where you stand with someone and life would be so much easier if people just laid out their intentions with you from the start.
But, sometimes, it's necessary.
For example, every girl has that one guy who will just not leave you alone. You've tried to be civil. You've tried to tell him you're not interested. But he just won't stop texting you. What are you supposed to do? Keep replying? No. You just have to resort to the method of not answering and hoping that he finally gets the hint. (Which, if we're being honest here, they never really do.)
Or, if someone in your life is toxic the situation can get messy, and fast. Sometimes your only choice is to completely detach them from your life. Especially if it someone that is detrimental to your mental health. For instance, if you feel as if trying to break things off with them is just going to make things worse or if you think they're going to be absolutely brutal to you then you have to do what you have to do.
Honestly, at the end of the day, no one owes you anything. I think that is something that all of us struggle with or forget. We always expect people to do things for us because it's the "right" thing to do. It's a hard pill to swallow and definitely a harsh reality, but it's the truth.
We have to stop thinking that we deserve things from people just because. We get so defensive so quickly, which is human instinct, that we don't take the time to really sit back and look at the situation from a clear perspective. And if you're someone that is constantly getting ghosted, you might want to take a hard look in the mirror and figure out what you're doing wrong, not what everyone else is doing wrong to you.
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