We are in the age of ghosting. What is ghosting? Ghosting is when someone is your friend and they want to cut you out of their life without any explanation. Sometimes it’s a slow progress where your friend will start by just not wanting to hang out, then they start minimizing the amount they talk to you. Before you know it, they won’t even speak to you and ignore every message you send without an explanation. But then there are the extreme sides of ghosting, where people will just block you out of nowhere without an explanation. Some people take ghosting as a shot at them. Ghosting can be hurtful especially if the person doing it is very important to you. I’ve been ghosted by people important to me and I’m sure everyone has at one point in their life. I’m also sure many people who have been ghosted have ghosted others themselves.
Even though you are not given an explanation why someone important to you ghosts you and hurts you, take it as a compliment. For whatever reason it is, this person has ghosted you but cannot give you an explanation. Is it maybe because you have impacted them so much where they are unable to face the fact of telling you they cannot be friends with you or even speak to you anymore. Or is it maybe they are pushing you away because they never expected to be so close to you and care about you so much? To me, this should be taken as a compliment.
First off why would you want someone in your life who cannot be mature enough to even give you an explanation as to why they cannot even speak to you. I mean I don’t. Yes, it hurts and yes you probably text them to see “what’s up”, because I have done it before. But I’ve learned they are doing you a favor because you are a better person in the situation. Secondly, take the ghosting as a compliment and run with it. You have made such a strong impression on this person and now for whatever reason, they cannot even face you and tell you why. Maybe you’re just that awesome of a person and they can’t handle the awesomeness.
Taking ghosting as a compliment and not letting it bother you is the mature way about it. They are doing you a favor for many reasons. Why would you want someone in your life who can cut you off like you are nothing. You’re the better person in the situation and it goes to show. The next time someone ghosts you, as much as it might hurt, walk away with a smile because you are someone who will probably have a lasting impression on them.