This year, I have looked within myself to finally realize that I am not just an American, but my heritage runs within Ghana, West Africa. The election has opened wounds that brought issues of racism, sexism, and discrimination within America. However, it has not been the only election that my family is going through. In Ghana, the election is highly approaching to determine their new leader to build success and change within the country.
I know that within my heart, both elections have really hit me close to home. I am not someone who is normally into politics because I believe that God's will for everything comes to pass and it cannot be changed whether we like the results or not. Personally, I do not like the new president because there is nothing but hate and unsolved issues that have only caused division within the country. It has opened a "big can of worms" that has only created fear, rage and negativity throughout the entire nation. The results do not only affect our nation as a whole, but it capitulates a ripple effect to the world. Whether we support our new leader or not, we cannot change the results and will of God. I just pray that God guides the nation to focus on spreading love, peace, unity and most importantly, realize that at the end of it all, Jesus still is the King of Kings.
We do not have control over the choice, but all in all, God reigns over everything. As a nation, we can only pray and hope for a better future because it is about to be a very bumpy ride in the next four years. The fact that I am the first generation to be born in America is what makes me proud. I grew within a loving, caring family-based community that has always sheltered me. However, there were moments when I felt that maybe I wasn't Ghanaian enough, or American enough as a young girl growing up. I wanted to just be accepted by both sides but today I have to say that I am more proud of being Ghanaian and I am glad to be who I am today.
Ghana is preparing for their very own election, I only pray that the change begins to work within Ghana as the new leader is chosen. Even though we have been taught to believe that we ultimately vote for the president of a country, that normally is not true. Every voting system is different and in my opinion, God chooses the leader for every country. In the public eye, America has been downgraded and looked down upon for our new upcoming president. At this point, we cannot change the outcome. I feel some sort of shame and disgrace to be an American, to be honest, but I can only pray for the best in this long difficult road ahead. Through everything, remember "Gye Nyame", which means "only God" in my African language, Akan.