If you’re like me, you spent the majority of your school sleeping late, lounging around watching terrible tv and doing pretty much nothing else. Seems like just yesterday I was in my pajamas on my couch watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians for a very unhealthy amount of time. Now I’m faced with class, assignments, quizzes, and too many other responsibilities. Getting back into the swing of things can be incredibly difficult, but it is manageable. Take it from me, I went from 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds. If I can do it so can you! Here are some simple steps to help you get your groove back.
1. Set goals and visualize your semester
I feel like if you write down your goals, you’re more likely to accomplish them! Make a dream board or a goal board to hang in your room! Visualize how you want to feel at the end of the semester and start working for that immediately!
2. Set a schedule
If you know me personally, you know that I am a planner addict. I love my planner! It is color coded perfectly and I don’t go anywhere without it. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be as crazy as I am, but it is important to make yourself a schedule. Get up at certain time, eat at reasonable times and try to stick to that. Your body will respond much better if you get into a routine as soon as possible.
3. Don't get behind
It probably isn’t the best to go into the semester skipping class, even if it is just syllabus week. Start with a bang! Make all your classes, stay on top of your work and make a splash in the first few weeks. You’ll be exhausted, don’t get me wrong, I am currently fighting to keep my eyes open! Even though you’ll be exhausted it’s okay. Don’t let yourself slack just because it’s the first week.
4. Take a nap
The first week is tiring. Naps are the bomb and it’s okay to sneak off for a bit and sleep! That being said, you probably shouldn’t sleep through class or put off classwork to sleep! Your body is adjusting to a whole new way of life so give it a break!
I personally hate the first few weeks of school and I struggle to get my life together in a timely manner. Nothing is easy about adjusting to school time and all the obligations you have, BUT don’t give up! You’re going to kill this semester!