For my 19th birthday, I decided to treat myself to my first tattoo! Here's what the experience was like, as told by the cast of Friends.
" I'm Freaking Out"
The night before your appointment you will totally be freaking out. You will have MANY second thoughts.
"Now I've Got The Steady Hand"
When the artist starts getting everything ready you will be freaking EVEN MORE.
"I'm Physically Nauseous"
When the needle first touches, it hurts pretty bad. Just be prepared.
"I Feel Great"
And then you realize that it's really not that bad.
*Intense Waiting*
Even though it doesn't hurt too bad, you just want it to be over.
"It Was Breezy"
After your done, you feel so dumb that you totally freaked out.
*Absolute Awe*
When you first look at your new tat you will not believe how much you love it!!
My first tattoo came out totally great. It was pretty painless. I can't wait to get more!