This morning, my phone buzzed with a notifications to attend a convocation event at my school on Buddhist Ethics and the Superhero. My school is very intentional about broadening the scope of the student opinion and mind by exposing them to new thoughts and drawing conclusions of their own. I hadn't attended many convo events - much less than I should've by this point - but I decided I should go and begin to chisel away at what is a long list of credits to get to. I spend a lot of time in dialogue about Christian worldview and opinions due to my major in Religion and the Arts. Having these conversations always in the back of my mind, I felt a spark of curiosity going into this convo event based on the Buddhist worldview. I didn't feel fear for exposure; I felt intrigued. I went in with an open mind, eager to see how other individuals see the world in which we dwell. The conversation was about whether or not there could be such a thing as a truly Buddhist superhero, who embodies the pillars of the Buddhist faith, primarily pacifism. It was an interesting conversation, but what stuck with me the most was how much more ease I felt about the tense conversations that debated in shouts at the back of my mind concerning the things I hold to be true in my faith. Getting out of the conversations I normally find myself in helped to settle the dust being kicked up constantly in my mind and helped me to rest in what I know to be true. When you are picking apart the details, it is difficult to see the broad strokes on which you stand. I say all this to encourage you, gracious reader, to get out of your normal thoughts and conversations and readings and habits to look at the world in a way you may totally disagree with. The truth is not afraid, so why would you feel the need to protect it unless deep down you feel what you think isn't true? Let what is true stand for itself and simply seek to see what it has to say. This can be difficult, but for me, it proved rewarding. It helps to know where your own holes are and where you need filling. Get out there. What does the sun shine on?
LifestyleFeb 28, 2017
Why You Should Force Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Let what is true stand for itself and simply seek to see what it has to say.