To my dear husband on your first deployment,
I want you always to remember that my heart is forever yours. There is no other man who can replace the love and support you have given me throughout our beautiful relationship. I know that my stubbornness and anxiety can be unbearable to live with at times, but you have chosen to stand by my side. I fell in love with you hard at the peak of our military careers with no regrets and precious memories. I could not imagine my life without you.
This deployment will not be easy for us. The feeling of not physically embracing you in my arms, comforting you after a rough day of work or cooking you soup to make your cold go away bothers me. As your wife, I am used to taking care of your needs even though I acknowledge how well you can take care of yourself. As long as we maintain constant communication within the next few months like we have in person, our marriage will be stronger than ever.
My advice to you during this difficult time overseas would be to keep busy and to maintain your strength. The more involved you are with activities, the quicker time will pass. Eat healthily, sleep well and work out, if you have time. Take care of your fellow marines. Socialize with people on a professional and casual level. Even though I never have to tell you this, please check your surroundings.
I appreciate everything you have done for us thusfar. You are one of the most diligent, humble, compassionate men out there. I am so lucky to be with you. I only see great things in store for us after this deployment, from me earning a college degree to us having children. There are so many beautiful things to look forward to with you, and I could not be any prouder of the man I married. Thank you for letting me into your heart and lighting up my world. Nonetheless, this is not a goodbye. This is an “I’ll see you soon.” I send you all my love, kisses and hugs. Te amo con todo mi vida.
Love always,
Your wife