It's already Monday again? The weekend goes by quicker than anyone could ever imagine. Before you know it, you're crawling through Monday slower than the wait for the newest season of "Game of Thrones." I don't know about anyone else, but I especially feel bad for retail workers on a Monday. They have to wake up while the sun is still rising just to deal with people that might not always be the nicest. As someone who has worked in retail before, I feel the pain. What better way to describe a day in their life than to tell the story through "Game of Thrones" GIFs?
As told by "Game of Thrones," here are the 18 stages of getting through the day as a retail worker:
1. The alarm bursting your eardrums in the morning.
Where am I? What's that obnoxious sound? Oh yeah, it's the 5 a.m. alarm telling me I have to go open the store.
2. Coffee is a must!
Being up this early is bad enough. But being up this early without coffee in your system? Definitely a hazard to everyone around you.
3. When the store opens and the customers come rushing in...
Do I still have my left arm? Is everyone okay out there? No shift is complete without drowning in customers.
4. Time for your lunch break!
Eating leftovers everyday has become the norm. After all, 99% of the time you get called back in before the break is even over.
5. Then there's that one extra mean customer...
This customer is the biggest test of your patience. They are never happy with anything you do and will not settle for less than what they want. Oh, they just left the store? Who wants to take a vacation now?
6. Getting a hard task assigned to you and finally accepting it.
Why do I have to unload six palettes of shipment on my own?
7. Finally getting the nice customer.
Chatting about your day with someone who actually cares is a blessing.
8. When your coworker is getting yelled at and you feel like you're next...
Uh-Oh...What did they do? Did I do something similar? Am I going to get fired?
9. You start thinking about what you'd be doing if you were home.
I could be doing so many other important things! Things like feeding my cat...or watching the plants grow in my yard.
10. When a customer insults your favorite coworker.
Excuse me? Let's hunt them down. We could even pull up their receipt and find out their name so we could stalk them on Facebook.
11. Two customers fighting over something becomes a joke to you.
We probably have some more shirts in that specific 'seaside coral orange pink' shade that you're looking for...let me just check the back. Stop scratching each other!
12. When you get stuck in the stockroom unloading.
No, please don't leave me alone in here!
13. You successfully pin something you don't want to do on your coworker.
"Yeah, I tried to do it but it was just really hard. Oh, you'll do it for me? Thank you."
14. When you look at the clock and see that your shift is almost over.
Should I start the countdown now?
15. The manager asks you to stay an extra hour...
No, you probably won't ever say yes.
16. Your shift is over and you run to go punch out.
Oh, you just became an all star track runner? Crazy!
17. All the problems seem to surface as you're walking out.
Sorry, can't hear the destruction in the store from the nice driver's seat of my car.
18. When you finally get home, you celebrate.
Yes, break out the finest wine glasses!
Make sure to thank your local retail workers for their kindness and patience.