After a long and often cold winter, most of us are often more than ready to feel the warmth of spring upon us. As we begin to round the corner into March, everyone sits eagerly awaiting weather that is actually pleasant and doesn't hurt your face. However, every year we always seem to forget about that horrible part of the winter-spring transition that we are forced to face. You know exactly what I'm talking about, the not-quite-winter-not-quite-spring limbo that we all know and hate.
It starts out slowly. some days are slightly warmer than others, which is fine. But before you know it, you're waking up to 20 degree weather, shivering like crazy but by 2 PM you're sweating in that sweater and jacket you thought would look so cute and feel so warm, as the temperatures climb into the 60s and sometimes even the 70s. Some days you have the opposite problem, while the weather may feel nice in the morning, by the time it starts to get dark it's barely 40 degrees and you're stuck looking and feeling ridiculous in those shorts and a t-shirt you foolishly chose this morning.
Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do you just can't plan for anything in this time of the year. Just when you think you don't have to worry anymore, a giant snow storm comes out of nowhere and you feel like you're plunged back into December or a heat wave hits and your dorm with the heat still blasting is definitely not ready to handle this confusing situation.
While I definitely enjoy a little bit of variation in my weather, sometimes this time of year can just be a little too much. No matter how many times we go through this cycle year after year, it seems to still catch us off guard every time no matter what. Over time I've decided that the best way to combat these confusing weather patterns is to rely on layers. Wear a light pair of pants, a sweatshirt and a lighter shirt or t-shirt underneath it, this way as the random weather changes throughout the day, you are able to accommodate it.
Although this weather may be annoying and it is nice to be able to commiserate with one another, I do not want to end this article on a negative note. While this weather may be annoying, what it truly means is that winter is beginning to come to a close and before we know it spring, and eventually, summer will be upon us! It may be irritating now but what helps me is to think of the nice weather that is soon to come. Before we know it, sunshine and beach weather will be upon us, so hold on just a little while longer!