Getting There | The Odyssey Online
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Getting There

Live for the now.

Getting There

You always wait for the next big thing in your life to happen, and then it’s here and gone before you know it. That’s human nature. You always look forward to something, which is a great way to pass the time. Looking forward to an event or a big moment in your life is an amazing and beautiful thing, but make sure to enjoy the present moment you are living in.

When you were growing up, you looked forward to your first day of school; however, when you got to school, you looked forward to going home. Eventually, you got tired of the routine of school and just wanted to graduate. After high school graduation, you look forward to moving to college so that you can recreate yourself and begin your journey to the rest of your life. When you start college, you quickly realize that college is just not about living the college life, but there is a thing called studying that you have to do so that you can pass. You want to pass your classes because you want graduation from college. After college graduation, you look forward to starting your new career; however, when you start your new job, you quickly realize that you have to do this for the next 30+ years just to pay the bills and make a living.

So my point in saying all of this is simply to make the most of every moment you have. Instead of being bored in class, try to engage in the material and live in that moment. Think of your life as a continuous learning moment. When you are with friends and family, be interactive and show interest in the lives of others.

I fall guilty of living for the future versus living in my present. I am always looking forward to the next big thing in life, but I know that the Creator made me to live every second as if it were my last. This may sound easy to do, but—in all reality—this is probably one of the most difficult things we could do. We all have that fleshly sin nature, so we don’t look at our lives as if they are a blessing. Instead, we just go through the motions.

In all honesty, we should spend our time glorifying God for this beautiful life He has given us. No matter where you are in life, remember that God has specially placed us in those situations for His purpose. Every time you feel useless and defeated, remember to do everything unto the Lord. The Father looks pleasantly at you if you are working unto Him, even though you may feel like what you are doing is pointless.

When you feel like the world is crashing in around you, know that the Lord has purpose in it, and He will make something beautiful out of it. You may have to go through trials and tribulations, but find joy in the mourning. The Lord is using you for something great, so let that be a reminder to find the joy in the mundane of life.

Getting there is our ultimate goal in life, but don’t forget to breathe and take in the present moment. Truly, our ultimate goal is eternal life with Jesus, so spend every moment making disciples, finding joy in the Lord, and praising Him with all you have.

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