Being sick at school is quite possibly the worst. You're away from home, your loving mother and your nice comfy bed. When I'm sick those three things are all I want. The end of the first month back to school just seems to knock people out, and I guess when you break it down I'm not totally surprised.
Dorm buildings and classrooms are joked about as being "a cesspool of disease." How much of a joke is it, though? Think about it. As students return to school and reacclimate themselves with their school schedule taking care of their bodies is not always a top priority. Students are worried about class, their workload, making friends, keeping up relationships with old friends, coping with homesickness and so much more. In that mix, there is very little room for a focus on getting enough sleep, eating a well-balanced diet and getting enough exercise; all of which are crucial if you want to avoid getting sick. Crucial, they are but often overlooked. So what do you do once the end of your first month at school knocks you down?
Well, simply reevaluate what is MOST important. Staying up until 1:30 watching Netflix after you have finally finished your assignments probably isn't the best decision. Nor is going out to party until 4 am after feeling slightly under the weather all week. There's always next weekend. What about feeling stressed as you go to the dining hall and eating absolute junk? Sure that pizza, fries, and chocolate cake were delicious, but they are most definitely not doing anything in your body's favor. Next time, grab a glass of juice (boost up your vitamin C intake!) and some veggies. Your body will thank you.
Getting sick at school is never fun. Getting sick in general just simply sucks. The universe doesn't care, though, how much we hate getting sick. Falling apart the first month into the school year is just in the cards we were dealt.