Formal is the prom of college. It's basically like you're prepping to meet Beyoncé, but it shouldn't be THAT stressful. Remember that it's a fun gathering with your sorority sisters and it's a time for you to be your own person- it's all about personal preference. If you want to wear a short dress, wear a short dress. If you want to wear a long dress, wear a long damn dress.
If you've never been to a formal, here's a list of things that I promise will go through your head the week of your formal. Good luck this formal season. Try to stay positive, have the most fun you can, and whatever you do, don't sweat off your spray tan!
1. Your spray tan is dripping off before you even get to the venue.

2. You’ve been going to the gym twice a day for the past 3 weeks to prepare.

3. The hunt for a date is real.

4. You ordered 20 dresses online and still haven’t found the perfect fit.

5. You sent all your non-school friends' pictures of your date and they even recognize how good his genetics are.
6. Wasting all your money on a manicure and other beauty “necessities” even though your date won’t notice the difference between a gel manicure or a regular manicure.

7. It’s now over, which means it time to stuff your face.

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