6 Tips For Getting Over Homesickness | The Odyssey Online
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The First Month Of College Can Be Hard, But Here Are 6 Tips For Getting Over Homesickness

There's no instant cure for homesickness, but there are ways to ease your suffering.

Of Late Arquitectura, Bedroom, Girls, Goals, Home, Love, Room ...

College can be an exciting time, but for many people, their first month is the worst month of their life. No amount of mental pep talks can prepare you for the homesickness that comes with the first month of college. For me, my first month of college was the worst of my life. I was so homesick that I barely wanted to move or eat. Videos I had watched in the past no longer made me happy. Everything made me cry and I mean everything.

I'm pretty sure I cried during a lecture on statistical analysis at one point. I was confused as to why too. I had great roommates, plenty of friends, and talked to my family every day. Why wasn't I happy like I used to be? That's when I realized, you can't just wish your homesickness away, you can only help it. So from one student who successfully conquered homesickness to another, here are my tips for finding the sunshine in darkest times.

1. Family Photos.

I put this tip first because I feel like it helped me the most. At first, I didn't want family photos in my room because I felt like they "clashed" with my room theme. However, there was a spot on my wall that was bare. I meant to put up a tapestry but never got around to it. So after about a week there, I added some of my favorite photos to my wall. My photos mainly consist of my pets, family members, and close friends. Whenever I was feeling down I would look at the photos and reminisce on happy memories.

2. Keep Something That Reminds You Of Home.

Everyone has something that reminds them of home. Whether it be a blanket, stuffed animal, or your mom's fabric softener. Whatever it is, keep it close and refer back to it when you're feeling blue. For me, it was fairy lights. My room at home had them all around the ceiling and my dorm room was lacking them. Like my family photos, I added these to my room after I realized how much I was missing them. If we're being honest, I love them more than my ones at home.

3. Pick Up A Hobby.

Hobbies can be a great way to distract our mind from reality. Whether you have an old hobby or a want to pick up a new one, this can be great for getting over homesickness. For me, my hobby is playing the guitar. During my first month, whenever I was sad I would just pick it up, play some songs, and notice my mood change. Even now when I've had a hard day, playing guitar can calm me down instantly.

4. Go Out.

When you're homesick, you mainly just want to lay in bed, staring at a wall, and feeling sorry for yourself. Do not, and I repeat do not do this. Doing this is so mentally toxic and only furthers your homesickness. Go workout, go see friends, do something outside of your dorm. Go explore your surroundings and orient yourself with your new home. I promise you, once you go out you'll feel much better.

5. Eat Healthy.

When you eat healthily you'll not only feel better mentally but psychically as well. It's easy to stress eat, as it's one of my bad habits. For the first week, I went from starving myself to the next week trying to make up for lost calories. Don't make the mistake I did. Stick to eating well-balanced meals, while still splurging every now and then.

6. Make New Friends.

Friends can be the best cure for homesickness. They'll make you laugh and can be a great shoulder to cry on. You'll also probably realize that other people are feeling the same way you are. And you can never have too many friends as my mom always says.

If you search the web you'll find other recommendations for homesickness, but those are my tips. What worked for me may not work for you. Whatever the case, you should know that your feelings and valid and you're not alone. It will get better soon, I promise. Just have faith and know that this feeling won't last forever.

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