I'm not the type of girl that needs to have a boyfriend. I've only had one real boyfriend in my 21 years of life. I am always amazed by girls that have a boyfriend constantly. Maybe I protect my heart too much, but I think I'm doing pretty good. I'm also a picky girl that knows what she wants. That being said, I have "talked" to guys in my 21 years or whatever the new term is. I think getting over a guy you never actually dated can be harder than getting over a boyfriend.
Two guys I have talked to, but not dated have hurt me. Other guys, no offense, I got over really quickly. One guy hurt really bad because he was my best friend first. That's a whole other topic. Our timing just wasn't right, I guess. I wanted to make it work and had become comfortable with the idea of dating him. Before I knew it, he wasn't ready to date or some other stupid excuse and now has a girlfriend. It wasn't immediately after our "thing" ended, but it was pretty quick. That freaking sucks. Like a lot. I wanted to be happy for him because he was my best friend and more than anything I wanted him to be happy. So I pulled myself up and pretended like it didn't hurt me. It was easy to feel this way while we were both at school, but being home and seeing him around sucks. I am happy that he is happy and I guess that is what is most important in this situation.
The other guy that hurt me hurt less than the other guy because we weren't best friends first. He just plain screwed me over. Told me he wanted all this crap with me and spoke of the future blah blah blah. I never fall for that bs when guys say it, but he made me believe. Nice finessing on his part. I even drove 5 hours to see him. What a waste of gas smh. Right after that he "wasn't ready and so stressed" etc. Other bs excuses. Guys, at least are more creative when breaking a heart. I did have a lot of fun with him and felt a connection, especially with his dog, but I guess it wasn't mutual. That's okay though. Just wasn't meant to be.
Though both of these guys who I didn't dare hurt me, I don't regret being with either of them. I cherish the good times we had. They both made me happy and we had a lot of fun. Though them breaking my heart hurt like hell (still stings a little) I was able to learn a lot about guys and myself. Letting my guard down is really hard for me so I hope those guys appreciated that at least.
I know I'm a great girl and it's okay that these guys didn't work out. God has my guy picked out already and when I find him these guys will be just mere stepping stones.