If you are anything like me, you will sit down on Monday morning and plan your week out. You pull out all the fancy stationary you have, the good pens, and put every little detail of your week to paper. Making plans for your week and writing it out can sometimes be more fun than the plans itself! You will write down meals, phone calls, self-care and anything else you can think of that is worth writing. For me, my favorite part of the new year is the new planner that comes along with it.
If you are not excited about planners like I am, there is a planner out there for you. You can choose it to do it in modern fashion on an app or be old school and write it out in an actual planner. There are plenty of ways to stay organized that is right for each person. If you are more creative, then you can do a bullet journal approach. This is where you buy a notebook and draw out the planner yourself. There are the cheaper options like buying a planner at Target or on Amazon. And there is my personal favorite, Erin Condren Planners. They have a vertical layout rather than a horizontal one and are very boujee but worth the $60 dollars. You can find your own Erin Condren planner at erincondren.com. If that is too much money for you, the planners' cheap cousin the Happy Planner is available for you as well.
Getting a new planner is the best feeling. The papers are crisp. The book still smells new. The pages are untainted. It is AMAZING. The feeling of knowing for the next year you will have all of your important and non-important, memories kept in a small little book and your new adventure has just begun.
On top of the new planner, there are plenty of approaches to planning. Every person can use their own style of planning and no style is better than the other. Personally, I use InkJoy Gel pens and just go at it, adding stickers here and there. Some people go on Esty.com to find a more creative layout to it with stickers. A popular Esty shop called Glam Planner allows for buyers to design each week with sticker sets and it is honestly beautiful. While I cannot afford this addiction (as much as I would love too, being a college student is hard), I admire those who do. My best friend has an Instagram account dedicated to her sticker layouts in her planner. Just look at how beautiful it is!
While not everyone is as into planning as me and my friends are, it is still important to stay organized. Finding the planner that works best for you can be crucial. Nobody wants to double book themselves or stretch themselves thin. I know that planning can be tedious for some and is not as fun to everyone as it is to me, but that does not make it less important. The new year is just beginning so it is not too late to go buy a new planner. Try to stay organized in the new year and your future self will thank you for it!