I grew up an athlete. I spent each and every weekend out on the volleyball court, or on the track. I dedicated myself to getting better at my sports throughout my childhood. Now that I'm done with competitive sports, I've dedicated myself to bettering my body, and thus, my health.
I have never been overweight. However, my freshman and sophomore year of college, I let myself down. I went to the gym less and less and ate worse and worse as time went on. Getting myself into a workout regiment was not easy. In addition, having the sweet tooth I do (and my love for pizza), eating better was definitely not a walk in the park at first. It's about setting goals for yourself and holding yourself to high standards in order to meet those goals.
The goals I've set up for myself in order to better my body have been pretty broad, but that's worked well for me. Part of my broad goal to better my body is to eat healthier, and what I've been happy to learn is that you don't have to only consume salad every day to get in shape. You just have to learn to say "no" sometimes. Enjoy your favorite "junk foods", but eat them in moderation.
The other part of my broad goal to better my body is to go to the gym, or at least do thirty minutes of cardio, every single day (with one rest day, of course). One important key to this is to be nice to yourself. I am a fairly busy college student, and I don't beat myself up when I can't make it to the gym in a given day, or if I occasionally choose a cookie over an apple. Indulge, but only sometimes. Let the good outweigh the bad.
The benefits of daily exercise and healthy eating habits are endless. Not only does your physical health improve, but your mental health does as well. I can't tell you how great I feel after I conquer my workouts; I feel like I can take on just about anything! I also find that I have more energy during the day, and I sleep better at night the more I practice these new healthy habits of mine. All in all, it makes you a stronger person inside and out.
Getting in shape has meant the world to me; I am proud of the progress I've made just in the course of a summer. I am looking forward to continuing to make even more progress this upcoming school year. Commit yourself to a healthier lifestyle, and I promise, your body (and mind) will thank you.