Hey Readers,
I know that sometimes it can be a struggle to really place emphasis on taking care of yourself. There can be many different ways to "getting back" to you. What I mean by that is, there is something you recognize within you that just doesn't fit or feel right. There are changes that have shifted your perspective. I've mentioned that change isn't always bad. However, when it takes away from who you are instead of adding positively, there's nothing wrong with setting extra time aside for yourself. Do things or seek positive ways of attaining a healthier version of who you are. May all of the best vibes find you and help you grow. I hope this reaches someone who needs it. Take care!
There was a time of understanding
In oneself and direction
There was a time of knowing
You could get back to you
But getting back to you can take work
It can be hard
You may stumble and fall
But getting back to you
Is the best feeling of them all
Thinking of resting your worries is best
Always remember that no one can walk the journey quite like you
No one can talk about your story quite like you
No one can live your life quite like you
If you like where you are, be proud of that and let no one take it away from you
If you desire change, be persistent in that and let no one, still, try to strip that away
You can read all of the textbooks
The essays
The narratives
But in the end, it's getting back to you
That is the most important and essential
Person because
There's only one of you
There may be some people out there who also
Share similarities in character or stories
However, they aren't carbon copies
There's a unique set of qualities
Money simply cannot buy
To recreate you
Getting back to you can be hard
But as long as you take your time
And feel comfortable in your journey
You can always become a better version of yourself
There is never a "right" or "wrong" way
To get back to you
Be the you that you always wanted to be
There is never a wrong time it's true
For getting back to you