Back to school! You hear that kids?
Everyone's three favorite words.
Because as exciting as it is to go back to college, the shift from summer to school is not an easy one, and sometimes requires an adjustment.
This time is often confusing and exhilarating at the same time, and throughout it all, there are four main points when tackling the beginning of the semester to keep in mind.
Yes, I know. There is a million things on your mind and you don't know how you're ever going to do them. Let the chaos play out, because establishing a routine cannot be forced - it will happen over time.
The Workload
After running through the syllabi during your first classes, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Do your best to treat the work as a day by day process, and not the whole semester in one class sitting.
Catching Up
With everyone living in new places, meeting up with all the friends you want to see can be a challenge. But within a few weeks, routines will be established and you will know your friends' schedules just as well as your own.
''You" Time
Breathe. As hectic as the start of the semester may seem, the craziness and excitement of it all will slow down. So take the semester one day at a time, because what you don't know, couldn't accomplish, or didn't understand today, you may know, accomplish, or understand tomorrow. Trust the process, it will work out for you in the end.