Now that the semester has started, exams and homework are becoming the center of our lifestyle. By getting away from campus, and taking a breather every once in a while, we can easily approach our priorities with a new and fresh perspective.
Here we are, six weeks into the semester. I remember, in the middle of July, I couldn’t wait to be back in school and I couldn’t wait to get the semester started. I never thought this time would come, and now it’s here. Homework, studying, and exam after exam, always being tired, always feeling stressed, yet always having something to do. Is this what I was so anxious for?
Now that I’m in my fifth semester of college, I’ve really figured out how to survive times like these. I love being at Purdue, and living my college lifestyle, but the transition from home to here is tough. Jumping into recruitment, then classes, then exams, and trying to figure out the balance of school, friends and Greek life, can be overwhelming. A couple things I’ve been doing the past few weeks have successfully gotten me through, day by day.
My number one way of limiting
stress, and increasing my happiness, is by getting away. Recruitment was a prime
enemy of this, because we’ve been locked in for the past three weekends.
Being around all of these girls for so long is a lot more stressful than people
realize. I love my sisters, but getting away keeps me
sane. Packing a bag, and driving to my parents home in Indianapolis for a night, was something I really enjoyed. It was disappointing only being home for 15 hours, but being around my mom and dad, having home-cooked meals, sleeping in my own bed, spending time with my dogs all brought me to an incredible
reality check.
It’s hard to take a step back while
we’re at school, to look around and see what’s most important in our
lives. We get so completely absorbed in Greek life and our grades, that it’s
hard to remember the life we’re actually living. Yes, my grades are important
and yes, I love Alpha Phi, but we forget what will really matters to us for our entire lives, and to our future.
For example, being surrounded by
Purdue all of the time makes us only think about our lives here. My mind is
constantly set on what homework I have to do and what my friends and I are
doing this weekend. It’s hard to take that step back and think about my family.
It’s hard to focus your mind on the bigger picture of the greater plan. Getting
good grades is obviously important, but our summer plans, and our experiences
we have in college, are ultimately going to get us where we need to be with a
career. These experiences shape the person we are.
Getting away is a reality check. It brought me down from the clouds I travel while I’m at school, and made me relax, knowing I was surrounded by the most
important things in my life. Many students at Purdue don’t have the opportunity to hop in a car and
make hour-long drive home. So, for those of you from far away, I still advise you to hop in that car.
Go for a drive. Get away from campus. Go out to
dinner in Lafayette with some friends. Go on a road trip. Do something. Getting
away from campus does a lot more than you’d think. While we try to be the best students we can be, and try to live up our college experience, we don’t have time to think
about the world outside of campus.
My advice for anyone who’s on their
path to be the best person they can be is to take a breather. Life gets so insanely
crazy while we’re at school. We just need to take a step back, sometimes.
Getting out of the house, going home for a night, and getting away from campus
every once in a while, has been the main thing that has gotten me through these
past few weeks.
As my homework increases, as my exams get closer, as my
weekends get fuller, I feel 10 times better about taking on those priorities.
I had the opportunity to be around the things that make me happiest; I got to
spend time alone; I let my mind free, without constantly thinking about Alpha Phi and my
classes, and I’m happier and less overwhelmed because of
it. I’m living day by day, and
accomplishing my life the way I should, thanks to getting away.