Fundamentally, vaccines are the best tools created to prevent disease and death for people. Getting vaccinated is easy and something we do to keep people health. Since, Covid-19 has begun we seen over millions upon millions of people die throughout the world. Family members seeing their loved ones pass without having a final goodbye, banned from hospitals, no longer able to socialize properly because people refuse to believe in a tool that could keep us healthy.
According to the CDC, it's understandable why people are hesitant with the approval of these vaccines and how quickly they're are mass produced. However, have you checked out the trials or read reports on how they are done? It's quite a fascinating read that could be found on the Center for Disease Control's website that explicitly discusses the facts and benefits. Furthermore, let's explore what exactly those benefits are...
We're still in a pandemic...
That much has not changed. Viruses are not gone, therefore getting a vaccine could help those viruses not spread that easily. Therefore, when we wear a mask and getting vaccinated we are taking that initiative to have an added measure in fighting the spread. We can all agree that we would rather have our lives back. When our healthcare system is in disarray, the overflow of hospitals and medical professionals overwhelmed with the devastation.
Health is Key...
Think about it this way. When you were a kid you most likely received a vaccine to attend school to be safe, as to not pass any unknown pathogens to other students. And why was that? Just another protocol, perhaps...but it was a way for you to develop understanding and knowledge that as human beings we have a job to keep people safe even though you do not know them. As you pass people, you don't want them to attack something harmful that could kill them.
Young People can get sick...
Generation Z is an interesting bunch, I like to say that we are more of the enlightened and open-minded bunch. Understand the science and do not negate facts, the information about vaccines and their impact can all be found by searching on the CDC or such websites. Young adults, we know that you want to party and "live life" but I would like to be alive to do that. You are not above everyone, there are always the selected bunch to think that their priorities are over the large stake of life and death.
Bottom Line: Get vaccinated and get educated. Wear a mask too! Until those numbers drop to under 0, there are no excuses.