There are times in life that it seems like we're on the right path, but we're struggling. And not just struggling a little, but a whole lot. If you're in one of those times or have ever been in one of those times, this is for you.
Look at it this way: it's like you're a car. Stay with me, I promise I'm going somewhere. You are a car, and you just so happen to be a car that is out of alignment. Have you ever driven a car that's out of alignment? If so, you know that you can be driving straight and going where you need to go, but the minute you take your hands off the steering wheel, you veer hard to the left or right. It pulls you so hard that sometimes you end up on the side of the road, or even in a ditch.
All because of only one thing: it isn't in alignment.
Not only does it pull to one side, but when the car isn't aligned it also tears up your tires. The longer you drive your vehicle knowing it isn't aligned, the more damage that is done. You can ruin a set of perfectly brand new tires, just by continuing to drive your car without taking it in to get fixed.
But the moment you take that car into the mechanic and get it aligned, it runs like new. It no longer pulls in either direction, it drives straight. It no longer tears up the tires. It no longer needs anything, because it has been aligned.
Sometimes in life, we let ourselves get to that point. We run ourselves so much and so hard, we forget to align ourselves with God's plan. Then we continue to go and go and go and push ourselves just as far as humanly possible. And then we break. Things stop working out in our favor, our health starts to fall, our family starts to fall apart, our fiances begin to struggle. It seems like our world is quickly coming to an end but there's nothing we can do.
When in reality, all we need is an alignment with God.
All we need is to switch seats and allow God back in the driver's seat so we can take our seat back as the passenger. All we need is to remember that God has each and every one of us in the palm of His hands. All we need is to surrender ourselves to Him daily, and yield our lives over to Him.
But instead of letting it get to the point that we find ourselves wore out and in a ditch, why don't we start checking our alignment before it gets to that point? Why don't we examine our hearts and make sure that they are fully in alignment with God's plan and will for our lives?
Don't let yourself end up in the ditch before realizing you needed to be aligned.