Time management is not an easy task to master; we are all plagued daily by various distractions, appointments, jobs, studies, chores, and a number of other responsibilities. Sometimes, it feels like you're drowning in a sea of obligations.
We've all been there. We're probably all still there currently.
Balancing a Chemistry exam, a Calculus quiz, a lab report, two papers, three clubs, a job, daily errands, a social life, a spiritual life, and some sort of physical activity actually sounds 100% impossible. Oh, and make sure you eat 3 meals and sleep 7-8 hours somewhere in between all of that.
You have probably heard the phrase, "you have exactly the same number of hours each day as [input Beyoncé/Michaelangelo/Einstein/etc. here]." While that is all good and true, it doesn't really help in the everyday mundane of life.
It isn't easy to complete everything on your to-do list when you're juggling 27 different obligations simultaneously, but there are some tips you can implement into your daily schedule that will help in managing your time more wisely.
Although it often feels like your life is spinning out of control, remember that you are in charge of where your energy flows. Choose wisely.
Enjoy my 10 time management tips:
1. Invest in a decent planner.
This is CRUCIAL. Studies have shown that people who utilize a paper planner are more organized, productive, and efficient. Make sure to invest in a cute, because it will become your best friend (seriously, I don't go anywhere without my planner.)
2. Complete the most important tasks first.
Because if you can complete the most imperative tasks, then your day has already been a success.
3. Become a morning person.
The earlier you begin your day, the earlier the day's responsibilities will be finished. Getting things done early is proven to be a stress-reliever, and provides the rest of the day with time to unwind. Plus, successful people wake up early. Mornings provide time for reflection and preparation after a good night's sleep, which leads me to...
4. Prioritize sleeping.
Yes, you need your beauty sleep! Seriously. So. Important. Look at any scientific study - they all point to the essentiality of a good night's sleep.
5. Be conscientious of how much time you're spending on the phone/internet/Xbox.
This is critical. It's so easy to waste hours on Instagram and Netflix, but that is simply time wasted. Pro Tip: When studying, hide your phone from yourself in your backpack or a drawer. Out of sight, out of mind!
6. Eat healthily and exercise daily.
A healthy lifestyle is directly linked to work productivity. Consistently eating a clean diet along with being physically active is a recipe for success; these things aid in clearing your mind, as well as help focus your energy towards your responsibilities.
7. Learn to say "no."
I know, I know. FOMO is REAL. This goes along with prioritizing the importance of your obligations - you have to pick and choose your commitments wisely. It's incredibly easy to overbook yourself, but this typically ends in zero productivity whatsoever. As Nancy Reagan said, "Just Say No."