1. Winona Ryder rises again like she’s still a child of the 80’s (And does a fantastic job, might I add). Emmy noms, anyone?
2. The music (The Clash’s Should I Stay or Should I Go has a pretty significant impact on the plot of the show, but if you can handle your parents saying, “Oh my God, I LOVE this song!” every 26 seconds, this is the show for you).
3. It’s horror for beginners. I’m not a horror fan by any means, and I don’t consider myself easily upset by gross things anymore (thanks, The Walking Dead), but I still had to turn away when things got to be a bit much.
4. THE CAST IS OUTSTANDING. I don’t think there’s a single person who doesn’t deserve an Emmy nomination for their performance on this show. And they’re all pretty hilarious, check out Finn Wolfhard (Mike Wheeler) on Jimmy Fallon below.
5. The King of Horror (haha, pun intended) Stephen King gave it his stamp of approval. If he doesn't convince you, I don't know what will.
6. Dustin, Lucas, Mike and Eleven are all pretty cute on both the show and in real life #friendshipgoals.
7. SO. MANY. 80’S. MOVIE. REFERENCES (The only thing that would make this better would’ve been if River Phoenix was someone’s dad).
8. You need to know why #BarbDeservedBetter.
9. The “Mouthbreather” scene.
10. It’s become a pop culture phenomenon. If you haven’t watched it, you’re a heathen.
11. ELEVEN. Enough said.