Donald Trump: just saying the name can evoke emotion of any kind, so much so that I don't even need a proper hook. Just that name will grab some eyes. That is the power that name has. Why is that? This may seem unnecessary, but I'm sure there are a few out there who have no clue why that name carries such power. Donald Trump is probably the most polarizing presidential candidate since Abraham Lincoln, and that man split our country in two.
Trump has been on a war path of controversy all of his life, but it has reached a fever pitch since he announced his candidacy for President of our United States. His attitudes toward race, females, and general humanity has been met with scrutiny and criticism. He has been painted as the most vile of rich bastards from the media, and I'm going to be that asshole who claims that he is the best thing to happen to politics in quite some time.
Now, hear me out--I'm in no way in support of Donald Trump. I'm a Bernie Sanders guy. However, this isn't about my view on politics, or even yours. This is about something deeper. Let's be real; interest in politics is generally down. Voter apathy is at an all-time high. Looking back on the last three presidential elections, it has been a bit of a snooze fest. Nobody thought Romney, McCain, or Kerry was going to win the race, nor did they really care about those three gentlemen. I think the media realized they needed something to give these presidential races a shot in the arm. Enter Donald Trump.
The media must view Trump as gift wrapped by the gods. Trump has breathed new life into the interest in politics. No matter where you stand on him, you are passionate about that stance. He truly is the most talked about man in this race from any side. Go on Facebook or Twitter, and within 20 seconds, you'll see something regarding that man. It'll take a little longer for anybody else getting a mention.
I'm here to inform you that this is all a part of a master plan. To those upset at the stuff he does, you are feeding into the media machine. Trump is many things, but stupid isn't one of them. One cannot be this successful for as many years as Trump has been without being intelligent. He is stirring the pot and getting all the attention, causing other candidates to do outlandish stuff to try to get a piece of that attention pie, and show their true colors. Trump is very upfront about being an asshole; it is to be expected by now. However, when someone like Hilary Clinton does something controversial, it is met with her losing favor. The reason behind that is that it gets to us more when someone we look up to does something which contradicts the popular view of them, in comparison to someone who has already been established as an asshole.
Not only has Trump brought more eyes and thoughts to politics through negative controversial means, but he has done so in a positive way as well. The media has crafted a true villain in the man, and just like any good villain, he needs a good hero. Trump's actions has caused people to really look into other candidates so they can make valuable claims as to why they should be president and take down the Big Bad Trump. People are taking an interest in politics just to find ways to make sure Trump doesn't become President. They are looking at candidates they normally wouldn't have just because of their strong opinions about Trump.
So Trump running for president is an extremely positive thing. Look, Trump isn't going to win. That's not a prediction, that's a spoiler. However, he has done so much for the search for the next president that it's hard to look at him as a negative when it comes to politics. As much as I'm not a fan of his views or beliefs, I admire him for what he has done and will continue doing. He may not win the actual presidency, but he truly has won this campaign run.