Get To Know Your PINK Campus Reps At LSU | The Odyssey Online
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Get To Know Your PINK Campus Reps At LSU

Warning: You may want to go PINK after this.

Get To Know Your PINK Campus Reps At LSU

Sometimes we forget that college is a time to prepare for the real world, and not just prepare but also make connections to boost that resume. Trust me, I'm a junior, and it hit me like a ton of bricks the other day that I'll be applying to grad school next year. So now that I've got your attention (hope I didn't scare you too much), you should know that there are organizations that aren't just resume boosters, but a group to grow and have fun with. The PINK Campus Representative Program at LSU gives you just that! Yes, ladies, you can represent and promote one of your favorite brands right here on your campus. I got to sit down with two PINK Reps, Skylar Beasley and Jecha Shamir, and find out all there is to know about being a PINK Rep.

Q: So what made you want to become a PINK Rep here at LSU?

Skylar: Once becoming a freshman at LSU, I began to see the PINK Campus Representatives and their team promoting the brand through different events on campus. With having full intentions of pursuing a career in fashion merchandising, I knew this would be the perfect start to developing skills and making connections in that field.

Jecha: I have loved Victoria's Secret for just about forever. When PINK came about, I waited what seemed like forever until I was old enough to wear it! I began working at Victoria's Secret's PINK, and I fell even more in love with the brand.

According to the girls, being a part of such a great organization is more than fun promotional parties. Both can agree they've grown to be more confident and independent through this opportunity.

Q: What invaluable lessons can you say that PINK has taught you?

Skylar: I would say the biggest lesson is managing your own self-growth. In a professional environment, you are in charge of completing tasks independently that might be out of your comfort zone. Learning how to ask for help or clarification when needed and push yourself to exceed expectations all while remaining confident in yourself will make a world of difference in your personal success.

Jecha: The best thing I can say I learned from this experience is knowing that it's OK to take on some things by yourself. I was afraid that if I took initiative on things I would be stepping on my partner's toes or seem as if I was trying to take over. I quickly learned that it's okay as long as you are communicating with your partner!

Being in college means you're either studying, trying to maintain a social life, working, or trying to sneak in one more episode of "Gossip Girl" before you quit procrastinating. Skylar and Jecha want to make sure you know that while life can be busy, being a PINK Rep is manageable and totally worth it!

Q: So we all know how college can be insane. How did you balance being a PINK Rep with school?

Skylar: College in general isn’t easy, let alone college with multiple commitments. But practice is what makes perfect, right? It has taken me a lot of trial and error to get my time management skills to the level they’re at today. Oh, and my planner is my best friend, of course, color coded and all.

Jecha: Balancing being a PINK Rep with school can sometimes be very hard! Once, I got the hang of how our events went and should be executed, it became a lot simpler. Just like anything else in college, it teaches you how to maximize your time management!

Representing your favorite brand and getting to have fun? What more could you want in a job? Skylar and Jecha want y'all to know that this opportunity is 100 percent worth it!

Q: How would you describe the life of a PINK Rep from your experience?

Skylar: One word: FUN! The life of the PINK Rep ranges from hosting on-campus events to appearing on PINK’s international Snapchat story. PINK is such an incredible brand to work for and definitely makes a genuine effort to let their representatives know just how appreciated they are.

Jecha: The life of a PINK Rep is busy and beautiful! When we set up our display and bring girls from all over campus together to share their love for PINK, it’s an amazing feeling. We always have so much going on, but it's been the best experience yet! It allows you to meet so many new people and make even more new friends!

Being a PINK Rep isn't just for now, but for forever. This opportunity has taught the girls skills that all people need for both college and the big, real world we all will be working in one day. (Remember, college is that thing where we prepare for the real world or something.)

Q: How do you think being a PINK Rep helped your future?

Skylar: Being a PINK Rep has prepared me for the future in countless ways. The brand has challenged me to exceed what I thought I was capable of, and I have grown so much because of that. I have learned just how crucial it is to maintain great connections and what to expect in the real world. The greatest lesson of all is to ALWAYS be passionate about the work you are doing. It is 100 percent true that with passion comes success.

Jecha: It definitely helped me build even better time management skills while also breaking me out of being afraid to approach anyone. We have an extremely large campus, but being a Rep has helped me make it feel a bit smaller by helping me branch out to meet people I may not have had the chance to meet.

So are you convinced that you may actually want to be a PINK Rep? Skylar and Jecha have some advice to anyone thinking of applying to be a PINK Rep here at LSU!

Q: What would you say to someone applying to be a PINK Rep?

Skylar: Go for it! Approach the situation with unwavering confidence and passion for the brand and you’ll do great. Be prepared for a lot of work but also a lot of fun!

Jecha: Be yourself! After meeting all the other PINK Reps from across the country, I can tell you none of us are exactly like the other. But we are all stoked to be there, love PINK, love our school, and are perfectly fine being ourselves. They chose us because we were regular girls who are getting the best we can get out of the college experience and love every bit of it!

Are you thinking PINK yet? Visit PINK’s site to fill out your application for the PINK Campus Representative Program now!

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