Aunt Flo, Shark week, The Red Baron, or whatever you decide to call that time of the month better known as your menstrual cycle then so be it. There's nothing to admit ladies, our periods can be pure hell on Earth and for some, it doesn't make such a difference in the sequence of their day. But for those women who deal with the agonizing pain of Aunt Flo, I got the hookup. Here are three hot drinks that help me ease the pain and hopefully it can help you too:
1. Chai Tea
This is the first thing on the list because IT IS THE GOAT. A hot cup of this will have you feeling like a new woman. Moan and groan in the bed no more! (I literally sounded like a commercial just now, exaggeration is real because this was me two days ago, real life!) Chai tea is found in your local grocery store, Starbucks, Teavana, and anywhere hot drinks are sold.
2. Chamomile Tea
Not only does this tea put you to sleep, it relaxes those muscles down there. After you drink a cup of this you will be knocked out girl. Cramps wouldn't stand a chance and soon you'll be ready to take on the world.
3. Peppermint Tea
Not only does this tea help ease the pain of cramps but it also helps with bloating and fatigue. Drink a cup before Aunt Flo comes and during the course of her stay. You will feel the difference soon enough.
I hope that these hot drinks will help you with Aunt Flo, just like they help me.
P.S. Chai tea is my all time favorite.