How To Beat A Summer Funk | The Odyssey Online
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7 Ways To Get Your Life Out Of A Funk And Into A Summer Groove

It's obvious that bad days don't last forever, but hopefully, these tips help for bad lays to last less.

7 Ways To Get Your Life Out Of A Funk And Into A Summer Groove

We all get in those funks where it seems like life just isn't going our way. Whether it's spilling coffee on your favorite shirt, missing your alarm in the morning, stepping in dog poop, or all of the above, there are certain things that just don't go our way sometimes.

For some reason, I always find that I fall into these funks multiple times throughout the summer. I think it's because I'm not as structured as I am during the school year. I think this happens more likely than not because my days are constant repeats of working full days, attempting to see friends, and sleeping.

With that, I've grown to really hate the days where I have nothing planned and nothing to do. No matter how late I went to bed the night before, I have to wake up by 8 o'clock whether I work or not. Otherwise, I feel like I've wasted half my day.

Because of that, I've carefully put together a list of seven ways to get your life organized and out of a funk! Take with it what you want, here are the things that (usually) improve my disorganize, dysfunctional, days:

1. Get a planner!

There is absolutely nothing I can advise more than getting a planner when you're feeling off in your days. Whether it be a bullet journal that you've customized, or a $10 one you bought from target, having someplace to write down what you're doing certain days makes you feel so much more put together.

2. A desk/wall calendar.

I get it, a planner or a journal to write out your days isn't everyone's cup of tea, so as an alternative, I highly suggest getting some type of big desk calendar or wall calendar where you can see a monthly layout and what's to come. I started out by simply just writing out my work schedule and small plans I had pre-planned. It made it easy to see in full what days or what mornings I had off had I desired to go do something else.

3. Set goals.

It can be particularly hard to get anything done when there is no end goal to whatever it is you're getting to. Goal setting can be however big or however small you want it to be. Find something small (or big) to look forward to. Whether it's going back to school, or a concert you're going to attend, at least there is something to look towards.

4. Wake up earlier.

I know, it's summer, there is absolutely no need for you to set an alarm and wake up early. But I can't push enough how much more you feel put together when you wake up early and do something with your day. Even if it's taking your dog for a walk (or yourself for a walk!) or going to get coffee, at least you're up and your day is already started.

5. Budget!

Summer plans and adventures can always be hard to do between work and money. Especially as a college student, summers are usually set specifically for working and making back all the money that was lost during the school year. It's hard to make plans with anyone, let alone do anything when we all feel like we're broke all the time and can't do anything. With that, find ways to budget your weeks or months or days even. Allow yourself to have fun (all within reason) and you'll find yourself with a list of memories and a pocket full of change at the end of summer.

6. Declutter!

There's nothing that makes me feel more out of tune and more in a funk than having a cluttered room and work area. Take the time to clean up your personal space and clear it of any mess. A clear room helps with a clear head. Even if it's just five minutes a day, that takes away from spending a whole weekend to clean every few weeks.

7. Cleansing.

Whether it's a detox juice cleanse, technology cleanse, or negative energy cleanse, resetting and rebooting your body and mind is one of the best things you can do to get yourself in check and out of a funk. I'm not saying to deprive yourself of things you want, but allowing your body to reset and your mind to clear can be so beneficial to your mental and physical health. Even for a day or two can really have a benefit on a positive outcome.

8. Make a new playlist.

Honestly, no matter what the mood is, music can always be there to liven it up. When you find yourself in a rut of bad moods and bad days, sit down and make a new playlist of the happiest songs you can think of. Your all-time favorite songs, songs that bring back memories, anything. Even if making playlists isn't your thing, there has to be a playlist out there that will hopefully better and brighten your mood.

At the end of the day, the only way to get out a funky mood is if you let the negative energy go and be more positive. I've given you a list of ways to feel more organized, but now it's up to you to take action of them.

Allow yourself to have fun and to feel on top of the world. It's obvious that bad days don't last forever, but hopefully, these tips help for bad lays to last less.

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